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Image by WinnieC from Pixabay.jpg
Image by antonellaz from Pixabay .jpg
Image by Henning Westerkamp from Pixabay

Shea & cocoa butter foot cream with rosemary, garden mint & tea tree
Laughing Bird
Available from Laughing Bird
Plastic free packaging


Love your foot for athletes foot powder 
The Clay Cure
Available from The Clay Cure


Activated charcoal foot scrub

The Floral Fox

Available from The Floral Fox


Biodegradable recyclable packaging



Satsuma & grapefruit foot scrub

The Floral Fox

Available from The Floral Fox

Biodegradable recyclable packaging



Volcano, foot mask
Available from Lush

Made from a mix of purchased recycled plastic and recycled black pot material


Power power
Available from Lush

Zero packaging


Pink peppermint


Available from Lush

Contains lanolin so not suitable for vegans

Made from a mix of purchased recycled plastic and recycled black pot material


DIY Footcare


Add a ratio of ½ cup baking soda for every gallon of warm water in a shallow tub and stir until the powder dissolves. Sit back and relax, soaking feet for about 30 minutes. Rinse away the baking soda and pat feet dry before applying foot cream and slipping on a pair of cotton socks.


Cucumber foot treatment


In a blender, combine two small cucumbers, the juice of one lemon, and three tablespoons of olive oil. Divide between two large plastic freezer bags, then place your feet inside and secure around your ankles with rubber bands. Sit for 5-10 minutes, then rinse off.


Peppermint foot scrub


Soothes and exfoliates feet. In a small bowl, add one cup of sugar and begin drizzling in two to three tablespoons of grape-seed, or another neutral oil, until you have a coarse, damp mixture. Stir in five drops of peppermint oil until well blended. Store in a jar and to use, rub a tablespoon or two onto the soles of your feet.


The lazy person’s foot moisturizer!


Rub down your feet with vegetable oil, then put on some old socks. When you wake up, the oil will be gone and your feet will be super soft.

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